A small gesture for you, a big difference for our animals

What is the 3.5% redirect?

Redirecting 3.5% of your income tax is a simple and free way to support non-profit organizations. Instead of this money going to the state, you can direct it to a cause you care about – rescuing and caring for abandoned animals.

What are the steps?

Below you have the "Redirect Now" button. Click on it and fill in the necessary fields and check what is required and "Send". So simple and effective 😊

Thank you for supporting animal protection! We will submit the form to ANAF on your behalf.

The redirected amount goes directly to us and is used to care for the dogs in our shelters.

What do we do with the funds received?

Every amount forwarded helps us provide:

We inform you that the forms for the redirection of 3.5% of the income tax can only be completed between January 1st and May 25th.

At no extra cost, your help allows us to provide food and care to abandoned dogs and cats.

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to redirect 3.5%?

It doesn't cost anything, it's just a redirection of part of the tax you already paid last year to the Romanian state.

You can redirect simply by filling out the form here

The deadline for submitting the form is May 25th of each year. You can complete now.

If you do not complete the form, the amount of your tax remains with the state. You can complete now.

Yes, in Romania, you can redirect 3,5% of the tax owed to the state to a nonprofit organization or religious unit even if your income comes from sources other than wages, such as rent, royalties, or other types of independent income. You can complete now.

Through the form you have the option to redirect for one year or two years. The choice is yours. You can fill out now.

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