Help us save lives!
Donate Today!

Help us make a difference in the lives of animals in need. With your support, we can provide care, affection and a new chance at life to our dogs and cats.
Years dedicated to rescue
+ 0
Team members
+ 0
Rescued animals
+ 0
Adopted animals
+ 0

What are the donation methods?

Natural Persons

Donate via SMS

Natural Persons

Donate by Card Online

Natural Persons

Donate by Bank Transfer

Natural Persons

Donate via PayPal

Natural Persons

Redirect 3,5%

Legal Persons

Redirects corporate tax (20%)

Donate now and change lives

With every donation, you bring a dog closer to a happy and healthy life. Whether it's providing food, medical care or rehabilitation support, your help makes a difference. Choose the donation method that suits you and become part of their rescue story.

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to redirect 3.5%?

It doesn't cost anything, it's just a redirection of part of the tax you already paid last year to the Romanian state.

You can redirect simply by filling out the form here

The deadline for submitting the form is May 25th of each year. You can complete now.

If you do not complete the form, the amount of your tax remains with the state. You can complete now.

Yes, in Romania, you can redirect 3,5% of the tax owed to the state to a nonprofit organization or religious unit even if your income comes from sources other than wages, such as rent, royalties, or other types of independent income. You can complete now.

Through the form you have the option to redirect for one year or two years. The choice is yours. You can fill out now.

Donate by bank card

Donate for our pets

Donate by bank transfer

Donate directly to bank accounts

Account in Euro
RO47BUCU2331304248760EUR (euro)

Account in Lei
RO94RNCB0279178400800001 (lei)

Account holder: Association NO LIMIT PETS BUC/SWIFT: BUCUROBU Alpha Bank, Romania

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