
We are here for any question

Whether you have questions about the adoption process, how to become a volunteer, or how to make a donation, we're here to help. Do not hesitate to contact us - we will answer you as quickly as possible.

Who is free sterilizationă ACCESSING here.

Where can you find us?

Sanctuary Ringo Land - No Limit Pets Association

Bacău County, Filipești commune, Galbeni village, Veseliei street, no. 60

Terra Life - Volunteer Center and the offices of the Association No limit pets

Bacău, Vrancei street, no. 2

Ringo Land Romania - No Limit Pets Association

Bacău County, Prăjești commune, Ștefan cel Mare street, no. 130




Bacău, Str. Vrancei, no. 2

Donate directly to bank accounts

Account in Euro

RO47BUCU2331304248760EUR (euro)
Account holder: NO LIMIT PETS BUC/SWIFT Association: BUCUROBU Alpha Bank, Romania

Account in Lei

RO94RNCB0279178400800001 (lei)
Account holder: NO LIMIT PETS Association BUC/SWIFT: RNCBROBU BCR, Romania

Complete the form,
and we will contact you

Donate by bank card

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